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Hilo Counseling

Providing Individual, Couples, Child and Family Counseling


Treatment specialization includes:


  • Depression and Anxiety


  • Panic Attacks and Phobia


  • Sexual and Relationship Problems


  • Medical and Health concerns


  • Grief and Loss


  • Work and Career issues


  • Stress Management


  • Addiction & Recovery


  • Parenting and Family Issues


  • Conflict Resolution


  • Hypnotherapy


With a comfortable and supportive atmosphere, clients achieve the personal growth they’re striving for.

"What an amazing miracle and gift from the Divine you are!"   – Female Artist


"The first time I saw you I had a connection.  My girlfriend told me, 'I noticed you’re happier ever since you started seeing the therapist.'"  – Mother, School Teacher, Six months after her divorce


"Priscilla has helped me through my school year.  She tried her best to make sure I did well.  I tell her my secrets and she helps me a lot."  – Female High School Student

Hilo Counseling
Hilo Counseling
Priscilla Tolentino Lee

Wouldn’t it be great if life came with a big eraser?  Poor choices, tragic accidents, personal failures and self-defeating behavior leave marks on us that are like scars on the soul.  What kind of eraser would it take to remove those scars and make us feel fresh and new, uncluttered and unbound, living with hope and happiness?   How do you erase a soul-scar?


We are body. We are mind. We are spirit.   At Ke Alaula, our vision is to create a pathway for healing to take place at all levels of our humanity where injury or loss has left a scar.


Through counseling, group process, spiritual direction and hypnotherapy, we offer you an opportunity to transform painful life-changes into opportunities for healthy growth.


Our services are helpful to people who are:


  • Living with a loss due to death, divorce, illness, financial insecurity.


  • Confined by poor habits and choices which limit a sense of health and freedom.


  • Immobilized by anger, shame, fear, guilt, obsessive thinking, anxiety and depression.


  • Seeking a way to love themselves and take better care of themselves.


  • Struggling to develop more dynamic, happy, balanced, mutually enhancing relationships.


  • Ready to explore and transcend blocks to their creativity due to past injuries and negativity.


Experience a New Beginning…Ke Alaula!

Priscilla T. Lee, LCSW

© 2018 by Ke Alaula Inc.  

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